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hIS hands and feetClassis Alberta North of the Christian Reformed Church
"OUR Vision is that we will be a gathering of mutually supportive, healthy churches expressing the good news of God's Kingdom that transforms lives and communities."
The agenda for the meeting to be held on March 7-8, 2025 at Trinity CRC, Edmonton can be found under the DOCUMENTS tab.
The Classis Interim Committee of Classis Alberta North is seeking nominations for two positions.
Classis Treasurer – to commence July 1, 2025. The treasurer looks after the financial matters for Classis and should have an understanding of bookkeeping and accounting software. The treasurer serves on the Classis Interim Committee, which meets 9 times a year in Edmonton to conduct the affairs of Classis between classis meetings. The treasurer is also an ex officio member of the Student Support Team, which meets 3 times a year. The treasurer will be supported by our present treasurer who will continue to serve as alternate treasurer. For more information, contact Mike Vos, Classis Treasurer, at [email protected]. Alternate Stated Clerk – to commence March of 2025. The alternate stated clerk fills in for the Stated Clerk when that person is unable to fulfil the duties of the position. The stated clerk duties include preparing the agenda, support documents and minutes for all Classis meetings and meetings of the Classis Interim Committee (CIC), as well as looking after all Classis correspondence. The stated clerk also serves on the CIC which meets 9 times a year in Edmonton to conduct the affairs of Classis between classis meetings. For more information contact Gary Duthler, Stated Clerk, at [email protected]. The minutes of the meeting held on October 18 & 19 at Wolk Creek Community Church have been posted under the Documents tab.
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