our mandate

The Student Support Team's mandate is to support members of churches in Classis Alberta North who are preparing for full-time ministry, ordained or not, in the Christian Reformed Church.
our committee
Four plus the Classical Treasurer. There shall be one alternate.
Rebecca Hall (Chair)
Michelle Kool
Kevin van Popta
Mike Vos (classis treasurer)
Four plus the Classical Treasurer. There shall be one alternate.
Rebecca Hall (Chair)
Michelle Kool
Kevin van Popta
Mike Vos (classis treasurer)
our meetings and specific tasks
As needed
1. Upon becoming aware (through referral or through application) of a person preparing for ministry, the committee establishes contact with the person to assess whether or not this is the time to assign a sponsor.
2. When appropriate the committee will assign a Sponsor who will be the chief contact mediating the person’s relationship to the Committee (and so to Classis)
3. The person preparing for ministry will be responsible for ensuring that the appropriate meetings and paperwork for candidacy be done in a timely manner.
4. The Sponsor will coordinate mentors/ mentor committee if required by the Candidacy Committee and the Seminary.
5. Report to Classis on Committees activities
Practices regarding Financial Support
Specific Tasks:
1. Consider whether support to new applicants can be given and, if so, to advertise this in the churches and the official church papers.
2. Report to Classis on applicants to the Student Fund.
3. Consider the form of financial help to be given to the applicant, i.e., underwriting a student loan that shall be repayable in part or whole when the student enters the ministry, or by providing an annual grant.
4. Provide an annual report of the finances of the fund through the Treasurer of Classis.
5. Report each year on the standing, progress, and financial need of the students supported by Classis.
Requirements for Application. Each application must:
1. Be a professing member of one of the churches of Classis Alberta North.
2. Submit a letter of application to the committee by May 31 before the anticipated academic year.
3. Present a satisfactory letter of recommendation from his/her home church council as to godly conduct and suitability for employment in full time ministry in the Christian Reformed Church.
4. Submit a transcript of high school and/or college credits, which will indicate the applicant’s ability to pursue academic programs of study in preparation for employment in full-time ministry in the Christian Reformed Church.
5. Upon first application, appear before the Student Fund Committee for an interview. The need for financial assistance must be demonstrated at this interview.
Requirement of Beneficiaries. Beneficiaries shall:
1. Apply each year for assistance for the upcoming school year and demonstrate the need for financial assistance.
2. Follow a course of study appropriate to the intended field of work.
3. Inform the committee of academic progress as well as any intention to suspend studies temporarily and to reapply for assistance when studies are resumed.
4. Be under no obligation to repay any money received from this fund provided that he/she serve in full-time ministry in the Christian Reformed Church.
5. Repay within five years all monies received from the fund upon failure to complete the required academic program and/or to enter into full-time ministry in the Christian Reformed Church.
Special Cases:
Anyone indebted to Classis on account of student aid repayment (section “Requirements... 5. above), for whom the payment of such debt causes extreme hardship, may apply to Classis, with the recommendation of his/her church council, to be relieved of his/her debt either in whole or in part. Classis shall consider each case on its own merit.
1. Applications will be reviewed at the July/August meeting of the committee for approval at the fall Classis meeting. Application forms are posted on the Classis Website.
2. Grants will be limited to available funds. When insufficient funds are available to meet all requests, preference will be given to seminary students seeking ordination.
3. Criteria:
As needed
1. Upon becoming aware (through referral or through application) of a person preparing for ministry, the committee establishes contact with the person to assess whether or not this is the time to assign a sponsor.
2. When appropriate the committee will assign a Sponsor who will be the chief contact mediating the person’s relationship to the Committee (and so to Classis)
3. The person preparing for ministry will be responsible for ensuring that the appropriate meetings and paperwork for candidacy be done in a timely manner.
4. The Sponsor will coordinate mentors/ mentor committee if required by the Candidacy Committee and the Seminary.
5. Report to Classis on Committees activities
Practices regarding Financial Support
Specific Tasks:
1. Consider whether support to new applicants can be given and, if so, to advertise this in the churches and the official church papers.
2. Report to Classis on applicants to the Student Fund.
3. Consider the form of financial help to be given to the applicant, i.e., underwriting a student loan that shall be repayable in part or whole when the student enters the ministry, or by providing an annual grant.
4. Provide an annual report of the finances of the fund through the Treasurer of Classis.
5. Report each year on the standing, progress, and financial need of the students supported by Classis.
Requirements for Application. Each application must:
1. Be a professing member of one of the churches of Classis Alberta North.
2. Submit a letter of application to the committee by May 31 before the anticipated academic year.
3. Present a satisfactory letter of recommendation from his/her home church council as to godly conduct and suitability for employment in full time ministry in the Christian Reformed Church.
4. Submit a transcript of high school and/or college credits, which will indicate the applicant’s ability to pursue academic programs of study in preparation for employment in full-time ministry in the Christian Reformed Church.
5. Upon first application, appear before the Student Fund Committee for an interview. The need for financial assistance must be demonstrated at this interview.
Requirement of Beneficiaries. Beneficiaries shall:
1. Apply each year for assistance for the upcoming school year and demonstrate the need for financial assistance.
2. Follow a course of study appropriate to the intended field of work.
3. Inform the committee of academic progress as well as any intention to suspend studies temporarily and to reapply for assistance when studies are resumed.
4. Be under no obligation to repay any money received from this fund provided that he/she serve in full-time ministry in the Christian Reformed Church.
5. Repay within five years all monies received from the fund upon failure to complete the required academic program and/or to enter into full-time ministry in the Christian Reformed Church.
Special Cases:
Anyone indebted to Classis on account of student aid repayment (section “Requirements... 5. above), for whom the payment of such debt causes extreme hardship, may apply to Classis, with the recommendation of his/her church council, to be relieved of his/her debt either in whole or in part. Classis shall consider each case on its own merit.
1. Applications will be reviewed at the July/August meeting of the committee for approval at the fall Classis meeting. Application forms are posted on the Classis Website.
2. Grants will be limited to available funds. When insufficient funds are available to meet all requests, preference will be given to seminary students seeking ordination.
3. Criteria:
- Identification of need
- Institutions in which applicants are enrolled. Calvin Theological Seminary has been the preferred institution with respect to classical funding assistance. Students enrolled there will receive appropriate consideration.
- Enrolment in US institutions where students may continue to experience poor exchange rates; this exchange rate issue does not usually come into consideration with Canadian institutions.