. We have set up a number of Quick Links for your convenience.
A) We have a link to the Christian Reformed Church of North America (CRCNA). They have developed a Model Policy that you can adapt to your congregation. B) Robertson Hall is an insurance provider for many of our churches. They have published an excellent article on assessing risk and becoming aware of abuse situations in your congregation. C) We have provided a link to a refresher/training video that was developed by the West End CRC staff. They have allowed us to modify the presentation so that it can be used by our congregations. We are grateful that we can use their material. Very well done. D) We have provided a link to insurance provider’s ‘Abuse Prevention Declaration Form’. The contents of the form will give you an idea of how well your congregation is complying with the basic Safe Church procedures. E) Link to the Circle of Grace program. F) Link to Common Safe Church questions. G) The Classis Abuse Response Team (CART) offers an Advisory Panel Process to councils in Classis Alberta North when allegations of abuse are brought by an adult against a church leader. Safe Church Ministry is now part of Thrive. Our denomination continues to equip congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response. We help build communities where the value of each person is honored; where people are free to worship and grow free from abuse; and where abuse has occurred, the response is compassion and justice that foster healing. Check it out at Thrive
How would our communities look if we truly believed that each of us lives in the very presence of God, within the circle of his grace. God loves us and is with us always, in all we are, in all we think, do or say, and in all of our relationships. That's the foundational message of Circle of Grace, a Christian safe environment program for children and youth. Circle of Grace helps build healthy, respectful relationships.
Dr. Amanda Benckhuysen, Director of Safe Church Ministry for the CRC made a presentation at our October Classis meeting. It was a conversation about abuse, the impact of abuse on those who have been victimized, and what we as a church can do to prevent it.
Amanda's PRESENTATION to Classis. You will find it very informative. Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing By Jay Stringer Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing is a ground-breaking resource that explores the “why” behind self-destructive sexual choices. The book is based on research from over 3,800 men and women seeking freedom from unwanted sexual behavior, be that the use of pornography, an affair, or buying sex.
Power has a God-given role in human relationships and institutions, but it can lead to abuse when used in unhealthy ways. Speaking into current #metoo and #churchtoo conversations, this book shows that the body of Christ desperately needs to understand the forms power takes, how it is abused, and how to respond to abuses of power. Although many Christians want to prevent abuse in their churches and organizations, they lack a deep and clear-eyed understanding of how power actually works. Internationally recognized psychologist Diane Langberg offers a clinical and theological framework for understanding how power operates, the effects of the abuse of power, and how power can be redeemed and restored to its proper God-given place in relationships and institutions. This book not only helps Christian leaders identify and resist abusive systems but also shows how they can use power to protect the vulnerable in their midst. Trauma expert Dr. Diane Langberg on how to respond—systemically, and individually. ![]() Dr. Diane Langberg started practicing psychology 45 years ago—when the only way to understand trauma was by studying her clients, rather than her books. She joins the Better Samaritan podcast to discuss power and abuse in the church, how to respond when a friend opens up to you about abuse, and what abuse victims should do: find a safe person. |